Wednesday, February 24, 2010

USPOULTRY offers machine guarding training program

U.S. Poultry & Egg Association's Poultry & Egg Institute has released a new employee safety program to teach workers how to protect themselves against the hazards of moving machine parts.
“Machine Guarding” is a Microsoft PowerPoint-based program that emphasizes hazard identification, avoidance and control. The program outlines many of the mechanical hazards presented by machines common throughout the poultry and egg industry and describes ways to ensure that effective guards are in place to reduce the frequency of injuries.
The program was developed by Paul Pressley, vice president of the Poultry & Egg Institute, and members of the Joint Industry Safety and Health Council, which includes safety management professionals from member companies of USPOULTRY, the National Chicken Council and National Turkey Federation.
CD versions are available free for U.S. Poultry & Egg Association members and $200 for non-members.

1 comment:

  1. In an industrial work environment, machine guards are vitally important for the protection of the workers. Serious injuries, such as loss of fingers and toes, injuries to sensory organs such as eyes or ears, or getting arms and hands crushed, can happen if guards are not installed properly on industrial equipment.
