E. Hvorostina, Agrokomplex, receives the certificate for becoming part of the Arbor Acres 400 Club.
Launched this year, the Arbor Acres 400 Club echoes that of similar groups set up by Aviagen across Europe. Neil Clark, regional technical manager, explains the reasons behind setting up the 400 Club in the region: "We know that poultry producers like a challenge. We also recognize from our many events that they like to share knowledge and show off the quality of their flocks, demonstrating how they have achieved great performance. The 400 Club takes that to another level. It sets a very high, but achievable bar and gives poultry producers something to aim at."
"The performance we have seen from the Arbor Acres broiler in these markets means we want to do more to recognise that success," said Dejan Bosanac, Arbor Acres technical service manager. "Congratulations to Agrokomplex and we look forward to welcoming other Arbor Acres customers as time goes on."
The 400 Club award was presented at a ceremony attended by the directors of Agrokomplex, members of the local agricultural governance department and farm workers who all contributed to the results. Neil Clark gave a presentation about the history of the 400 Club, formed in the UK in 2009 and talked about Aviagen's achievements in genetics over the last year before handing over the trophy and certificate to E. Hvorostina.
""We are delighted to be the first recipients of this award and would like to thank Aviagen for recognizing our work and all their support in achieving this," said Agrokomplex's Hvorostina. It has not been easy. We have invested in new facilities and grown in order to support the Arbor Acres brand in Russia. We are looking to replicate this success in coming years with more flocks and are expanding to cover new areas such as turkeys and ducks."
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